Helmand Transmission Lines & Substations
Project Details
Prime Contractor
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Middle East District
Helmand, Afghanistan
Tetra Tech, Inc.
Power Engineers
152 Kilometers of Transmission Lines
Project Description
Perini Management Services was awarded this design-build project for repairs and new construction of substations and transmission lines in southern Afghanistan's Helmand Province. We established a base camp at a U.S. military installation near Kandahar, and our team conducted site surveys, design, procurement and delivery of large scale electrical equipment. While design was in process, Perini coordinated with military units operating in the region and with local Afghans to plan for mobilization activities, arranged for demining and UXO clearance, and began construction of concrete security walls. The contract was eventually terminated due to the unstable security situation in the region. All procured equipment and materials were then turned over to U.S. government representatives in Afghanistan. Value = $50,000,000
Government Performance Evaluation - Exceptional for Management, Quality, Schedule and Safety
“PMSI team was always cooperative and proactive in their efforts to address issues prior to becoming problematic. PMSI QC team was extremely responsive processing and accounting for the long-lead items delivered to Government possession.”Government Performance Evaluation